Air Boy Super Silent

Air Boy Super silent

Air Boy® SUPER Silent blow gun

Low noise level, unblockable and high blowing force

SUPER Silent Air Boy® is one of our silent blow guns. A high blowing force together with the low noise level makes the SUPER Silent Air Boy® a powerful and user-friendly blow gun. The blow gun is unblockable, which ensures that the air flow continues out the sides of the pipes when the tip is blocked.

The Super Silent blow gun can be used for different purposes. They have infinite adjustment but are also available with volume control. The pipes come in different lengths and as a bent or straight pipe. This makes it easier to find exactly the pipe that fits the work area.

  • Ideal for blow-off, cleaning and drying tasks
  • For all cleaning purposes
  • The service life is top-notch – even after 28 million operations
  • Available with infinitely adjustment of air
  • Silent and unblockable
  • Variants with pipes of extra length for narrow places
  • Pipe of stainless steel
  • Powerful and user-friendly
Air Boy Super siilent

This product is suitable for

Suitable for auto
Suitable for industrial use
Suitable for DIY market
Suitable for truck and transport
Suitable for agriculture
Suitable for building and construction
Suitable for marine and shipping
Suitable for camping and caravans
Suitable for motorcycles
Suitable for offshore



Maksimalt trykWorking pressureMax. 12 bar
FlowFlow330 l/min (8 bar)
TemperaturNoise level78.5 dB (8 bar)
76.8 dB (6 bar)
TemperaturTemperature-10 oC til +60 oC
Blowing power2.94 N (8 bar)
2.06 N (6 bar)
OSHAWeight~0.100 kg


Handle and triggerAcetal plastic
ValveAcetal plastic
Gaskets/ O-ringsNitrile
Blowing tube & shaftStainless steel
SpringHardened spring wire

Meets requirements

EUEU 2003/10/CE
Max. 85 dB
OSHAOSHA 1910.95 (b)
Max. 90 dB 8hr
OSHAOSHA STD 01-13-001
Max. 30 psi when blocked

Variants and data

super silent illustration

Stainless steel, bent pipe
ø8 mm

Super silent lang illustration

Stainless steel, straight pipe, 300 mm, ø8 mm

Super silent lang illustration

Stainless steel, straight pipe, 500 mm, ø8 mm

Super silent regulering illustration

Stainless steel, bent pipe, adjustment, ø8 mm

Questions about compressed air solutions?

If you have question about our blow guns, pneumatic tools or other products, then we would like to help you.

Questions about compressed air solutions?

If you have question about our blow guns, pneumatic tools or other products, then we would like to help you.