Code of conduct

Code of Conduct

1. Purpose

The Board of Directors of JWL has adopted this Code of Conduct, which outlines the principles guiding our business ethics.

JWL’s corporate behavior is characterized by respectful, fair, and responsible interactions with our employees, business partners, community, and the environment.

The principles in our Code of Conduct serve as a common guideline for all our decisions and actions. Therefore, all JWL employees, board members, suppliers, subcontractors, and partners are expected to comply with JWL’s Code of Conduct.

2. Requirements & Legislation

General Principles of Conduct

JWL’s Code of Conduct is based on international conventions, including but not limited to:

  • The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • The International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
  • The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
  • The UN Convention against Corruption

Compliance with Applicable Laws and Internal Guidelines

JWL and its partners must always conduct our business in accordance with applicable local and international laws, relevant industry standards, internal regulations, and guidelines.

If national legislation is stricter than this code, JWL employees and partners must comply with the national legislation.

3. Fair Competition

We are committed to free and fair competition. JWL and its partners commit to always comply with applicable competition laws.

In our business relationships, we act with integrity and responsibility. We are confident that we will succeed in competition due to our high-quality air pressure products and our employees’ expertise.

Bribery and Fraud

JWL employees and partners must not engage in any form of fraud or bribery.

Procurement and sales activities must be handled professionally and with integrity.

4. Environment

All national environmental laws, regulations, and standards must be complied with by JWL employees and partners.

JWL is committed to protecting the environment and strives to prevent and continuously reduce any negative impact on the environment.

5. Human Rights and Working Conditions

JWL supports and respects international conventions regarding human rights and local labor laws.


WL promotes diversity and equality

No employee, customer, or partner should be discriminated against based on age, ethnic, social, or national origin, skin color, gender, sexual orientation, religion, political affiliation, disability, or any other reason.

Forced and Child Labor

JWL does not permit any actions that restrict employees’ freedom of movement. Forced labor or any other form of involuntary labor is not acceptable at JWL or at our partners’ workplaces

JWL does not tolerate child labor at its own or its partners’ workplaces. We adhere to at least the local laws regarding minimum age for work, but in no case should the minimum age be under 15 years.

Fair Working Conditions

Working conditions must comply with national laws, regulations, industry standards, and ensure fair working conditions. Rules on minimum wage, the right to sick leave, and maternity laws must be observed.

Work Environment

JWL prioritizes employee safety and actively works on risk assessment and the elimination of potential sources of accidents, incidents, and conditions that affect health and welfare

JWL requires partners to consciously and systematically work to create a good work environment, both physically and psychologically, to achieve a safe and healthy workplace.

6. Compliance, Implementation, and Reporting

The CEO has the overall responsibility for compliance with the ethical guidelines, and it is expected that all members of our management team meet their special responsibility and ensure the implementation of the code by ensuring that all JWL employees and partners know and understand its content.

Reporting Violations

If JWL employees or partners become aware of unethical or illegal behavior, it must be reported immediately to the nearest supervisor or contact person at JWL

No employees should experience negative consequences in connection with their reporting in accordance with the intentions of this Code of Conduct.

Hedensted, May 29, 2024

Winnie Johansen